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Privacy Policy - Visvue App

We provide you this privacy policy (the "Policy") to help you understand the kinds of information we may gather about you when you visit the Site or use any of our Services, how we may use and disclose the information, and how you can control, correct and/or update the information.

To be clear about the terminology we are using, when we use the phrase "Personal Information" in this Policy, we mean information that can be used to identify or contact a person, like a person’s full name, address, e-mail address, or phone number. When we use the phrase "Anonymous Information" in this Policy, we mean information that cannot reasonably be used to identify individual persons.

By visiting this Site or using the Services, you are accepting the policies and practices described in this Policy. Each time you visit the Site or use the Services, you agree and expressly consent to our collection, use and disclosure of the information that you provide as described in this Policy.

Your Personal Information may be processed by us in the India.

In addition to this general Policy, each Service may have additional privacy provisions that are specific to the particular Service. These supplemental disclosures are made adjacent to the particular Service at the time we collect the information. These supplemental disclosures also govern the use of your information.

1.The Information We Gather

We collect information about you in the following ways:

A.Information you voluntarily provide us

We collect and maintain information that you voluntarily submit to us during your use of the Sites and Services. For example:

  • when you register for a Site, you may provide us certain information including your name, email address, screen name, password;

  • if you sign up to receive a newsletter, enter a contest or participate in social networking activities, you may provide us contact information (e.g., email or physical address);

  • if you purchase a product or service, you may provide us your credit card information; and

  • you may provide us with Personal Information in the course of email, customer support interactions and surveys.

You can choose not to provide us with certain information, but this may stop you from gaining access to a Service or limit the features that you can use.

B.Information we collect through your use of the Site.

As you use the Site and Services, certain information may also be passively collected. Through cookies, pixels, beacons, log files and other technologies, we may collect information about how you use the Site and the Services. For example we may determine through an IP address that a particular computer or device is located in Mumbai and we may use this information to deliver advertisements promoting Mumbai based businesses. This information allows us to deliver more helpful information, programs, tools and advertisements.  Please  see  the Cookies  and  Targeted Advertising sections below for more information.

C.Information we receive from third parties.

We may also combine online and/or offline information received from third parties with the information we have already collected from you via our Sites and Services. The third party information is used for a variety of purposes including to verify other information about you (e.g., verify your mailing address to send you requested products or services) and to enhance the content and advertising we provide to you.


2.How We Use Your Information

We will use your Personal Information in the ways described below or described at the time that the information is collected.


We believe that advertising is more interesting to you when it is relevant. Accordingly, we customize the advertisements that you see based upon: (i) the information that you provide us (e.g., age, gender, stated health interests and other information in your profile); (ii) geographic location information, which we may determine through your IP address, from your mobile device, or other ways; (iii) data we receive from third parties or; (iv) your visits on the Sites or use of Services (commonly referred to as "Behavioral Advertising"). We may use your Personal Information to deliver customized advertising to you on this Site, on other websites and on other digital and offline media channels.

B.To Provide the Sites and Services.

In general, we use your Personal Information as necessary or appropriate for purposes including to:

  • administer your account;

  • register you and provide you access to the Site or Services;

  • respond to inquiries or requests that you direct to us;

  • fulfill your requests for products or services;

  • send communications and administrative emails about the Sites or Services;

  • personalize and better tailor the features, performance and support of the Sites and Services for your use;

  • send you promotional/marketing information, newsletters, offers or other information regarding opportunities and functionality that we think would be of particular interest to you;

  • improve the quality of the Site and the Services, and

  • analyze, benchmark and conduct research on user data and user interactions with the Site and Services.

3.Cookies and Targeted Advertising

  1. Cookies, Web Beacons and IP Address Information

  • "Cookies" are small pieces of information that a website places on your browser when you visit that website. We may use cookies to provide you with a more personal and interactive experience with the Sites and Services. For example, we may use cookies to control what advertisements you see, the sequence of advertisements and to make sure you don't see the same advertisement too many times. For contests or sweepstakes, we may also use cookies in order to track your progress and the number of entries in some promotions.

  • Cookies can be removed by following your Internet browser's directions within the help tab. In order to use certain Services offered through the Sites, your web browser must accept cookies. If you choose to disable cookies, some aspects of the Sites may not work properly, and you may not be able to access our Services.

  • We may also use cookies, pixels, web beacons (which are usually small, transparent graphic images), operating system and device information and navigational data like Uniform Resource Locators (URL) to gather information regarding the date and time of your visit, the features and information for which you searched and viewed, the email you opened, or on which advertisements you clicked. This type of information is collected to make the Sites and Services more useful to you and to tailor the experience with us to meet your special interests and needs.


  • An "Internet protocol address" or "IP Address" is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer when you use the Internet. We, or our service providers, may use your IP Address when you access the Sites or Services or use other means to assist with delivering geographically targeted advertisements.

B.Targeted Advertising

We may use cookies for purposes including understanding Web usage patterns of users who see advertisements on the Sites, controlling the sequence of advertisements you see, making sure you don't see the same advertisement too many times, determining your interests and tailoring advertisements and promotions based on those interests.

For example, if you read an article about a particular health condition on the Sites, we may use cookies from a vendor to later serve you an advertisement for a  product related to the viewed article. These third-party vendors may connect information about pages you visit on our Sites with information about pages you visit on other websites and media channels and show you advertising based on this combined information. The advertisement may appear when you are visiting a different section of this Site or another website or media channel if the website or media channel also has a relationship with us or our vendor.

You can opt-out of cookies placed by those vendors listed. After you opt-out, you will still see advertisements but the advertising may not be as relevant to your interests. If you change your computer, change your browser, or delete your cookies, you will need to renew your opt-out.

4.How We Disclose Information to Third Parties

We may share your Personal Information with third parties as specifically approved by you or under the circumstances described below. If you do not want us to use or disclose Personal Information collected about you in the ways identified in this Policy, you should not use the Site or Services.

A.Disclosure for legal reasons.

We may disclose and release your Personal Information to third parties: (a) to comply with valid legal requirements such as a law, regulation, search warrant, subpoena or court order; or (b) in special cases, such as a physical threat to you or others, a threat to homeland security, a threat to our system or network, or in any cases in which we believe it is reasonably necessary to investigate or prevent harm, fraud, abuse, illegal conduct or a violation or alleged violation of this Policy or other agreement we may have with you.

B.Agents and Contractors.

We may provide your Personal Information to service providers who work on our behalf or help us to operate our business, the Sites and the Services. Examples of such service providers include vendors and suppliers that provide us with technology, research, and/or marketing assistance; provide services and/or content for sending email and providing customer service; analyze data, serve advertisements on our Sites and Services and on third-party channels; and process payments (including credit card payments). Access to your Personal Information by these service providers is limited to the information reasonably necessary to perform its limited function.

C.Aggregated, Anonymous Information.

We may share aggregated Anonymous Information about you with third parties. Aggregated information is your Anonymous Information that is combined with the Anonymous Information of other users.

D.Contests, sweepstakes and polls.


Some or all of the information collected during a promotions, contest, polls, or sweepstakes (“Promotions”) may be disclosed publicly. It may also be shared with other third parties as disclosed at the time of collection or in the Promotion rules. These third parties may include providers of prizes in order to update you of your status of your prize or other fulfillment needs or a co-sponsor who may use your Personal Information to administer the Promotion or for their marketing purposes, but only in conformance with their privacy policy as made available to you at the time of collection. Visvue app is not responsible for their privacy policy or practices.

When you participate in a Promotion, you are subject to any official rules for that Promotion, which may contain additional information about the specific privacy practices associated with the Promotion.

E.Long-Term-License Services.

This Policy does not cover the use of your Personal Information by Licensors. The privacy practices of Visvue Licensors may differ from this policy and we encourage you to contact those third parties directly if you have questions regarding their use of your Personal Information.

  1. Sponsors, Merchants and other ways that you approve at the time of collection. We may collect Personal Information about you and share it with third parties to the extent that you give us permission at the time of collection. For example, if you purchase a deal, product, or service, we will provide your information to the applicable merchant or vendor. We also sometimes gather Personal Information on behalf of a sponsor in association with a promotion. In such a case, we will provide you notice at the time of collection that the information is being collected on the sponsor's behalf. We do not control and are not responsible for how these third parties use your information.

G.Within our Company; Changes to our Company.

We may share your Personal Information with any of our subsidiaries, joint ventures, or other companies under common control. Additionally, in the event we go through a business transition such as a merger, acquisition by another company, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, your Personal Information may be among the assets transferred. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur and are permitted by this Policy.

5.Message Boards and Chats

We may make message boards, chat rooms, and other interactive forums available as part of the Services. You should be aware that any information which you post to these interactive forums or otherwise choose to make publicly available, including your Personal Information, may be disclosed and available to all users who have access to that portion of the Site or Services. By using these interactive forums, you agree that we are not responsible for any information that you disclose or communicate in such forums, and any disclosures you make are at your own risk.

6.Children's Information

The Site and Services are not directed or intended for children under 13 years of age. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from individuals under 13 years of age. If you are under 13 years of age, you should not register or provide Personal Information on the Site or through the Services. If you are the parent or guardian of a child whom you believe has disclosed Personal Information to us, please contact us at so that we may delete and remove such child's information from our systems.

Keep in mind, however, that even if you delete information from your profile, we may retain your Personal Information in conformance with our data retention policy and Personal Information may remain within our databases, access logs, and other records. In addition, we are not responsible for updating or removing your Personal Information


contained in the lists or databases of third parties who have been provided information as permitted by this Policy.

8.Third Party Links

The Sites may link to websites operated by third parties that we do not control. We do not monitor, control, or endorse the information collection or privacy practices of any third parties. We encourage you to become familiar with the privacy practices of every website you visit and to contact them if you have any questions about their respective privacy policies and practices. This Policy applies solely to information collected by us through the Sites or Services and does not apply to these third party websites. The ability to access information of third parties from the Sites or Services, or links to other websites or locations, is for your convenience only and does not signify our endorsement of such third parties, their products, services, websites, locations or their content.


We place a priority on the security of Personal Information, and we undertake reasonable security measures to help protect the data that resides on our servers.

10.How to Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding privacy or this Policy, you may contact us as follows:


11.Privacy Policy Changes

We reserve the right to change, modify, add or remove portions of this Policy at any time and without prior notice, and any changes will become effective immediately upon being posted unless we advise you otherwise. Your continued use of the Site or Services after this Policy has been amended shall be deemed to be your continued acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Policy, as amended. We encourage you to bookmark this Web page and review this Policy regularly.

12.Personal Health Information

We place a priority on ensuring the health and well being of your eye and visual functions are cared for. However, by using this application and agreeing to its terms and conditions you agree to release those in association with the Visvue application of any harm that may come to the eye or visual function as a result of using the mobile application. Additionally you agree that we can use your personal health information as used in this application for your benefit and that we will not use it to divulge your information to any third parties or other vendors. However, your agreement in the terms and conditions stipulate that you release any liability for us if there is any delay in care for your general health or eye care health as a result of using this program. The use of the Visvue application is strictly observatory and for your own record keeping and we take no responsibility in ensuring you have the appropriate follow up needed to care for your eyes as deemed medically necessary. All personal health information will be protected but you release the Visvue app website users from any liability if there is any compromised of personal health information collected through the use of the application or website.

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